Chapter 7 Linear mixed models
Preliminary code
This code is needed to make other code below work:
## loads givennessMcGillLing620.csv from OSF project for Wagner (2012) data
givenness <- read.csv(url(""))
## define numeric versions of factors, for convenience
givenness <- mutate(givenness,
conditionLabel.williams = rescale(conditionLabel),
npType.pronoun = rescale(npType),
npType.pron = rescale(npType),
voice.passive = rescale(voice),
order.std = rescale(order),
stressshift.num = (as.numeric(stressshift) - 1))
## make non-mixed-effect model prediction for examples below (just one prediction per
## level of conditionLabel)
newdata <- data.frame(conditionLabel.williams=sort(unique(givenness$conditionLabel.williams)))
mod1a <- lm(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams, data=givenness)
newdata$pred <- predict(mod1a, newdata=newdata)
newdata$conditionLabel <- factor(levels(givenness$conditionLabel))
## loads halfrhymeMcGillLing620.csv from OSF project for Harder (2013) data
halfrhyme <- read.csv(url(""))
## need to do this because the relDuration variable is only defined when conditionLabel is 'voice'
halfrhyme <- subset(halfrhyme, conditionLabel=='voice')
Note: Answers to some questions/exercises not listed in text are in Solutions
7.1 Mixed-effects models: Motivation
Data analysis can be split into two parts: exploratory (EDA), and confirmatory (CDA).29 In this book, EDA always accompanies CDA. But the ultimate goal of a study of linguistic data is usually confirmatory data analysis: we want to make generalizations about units drawn from a population, based on finite data. As such, we want our statistical analysis techniques—such as regression models—to generalize to new data, not just describe the sample we happened to draw.
A key assumption of regression models, which we discussed in the context of linear regression, is independence of errors. When we fit a regression model of \(Y\) as a function of some predictors, it is assumed that the “errors” for each observation—how off the model’s prediction is, after taking predictor values into account—are independent. That is, knowing how off the model is for observation 1 doesn’t tell us anything about how off it is for observation 10, and so on.
However, at least for linguistic data, usually the unit over which we want to generalize is not observations; it is some higher-level grouping, such as participants, “items”, sentences, and so on. We usually take more than one observation per unit level (R. Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008):
Multiple observations per participant (since we’ve already paid them to do the experiment)
Multiple observations per item (because designing items is time-consuming)
and so on.
But in general, observations from within a unit level do not have independent errors! For example, in a study of lexical decision reaction time as a function of participant age and word frequency (such as the [english
dataset](#engdata)), certain participants will be characteristically fast (low RT), compared to other participants of the same age—perhaps because they just had coffee, are highly motivated to finish the experiment, or some other reason. Similarly, errors won’t be independent from multiple observations of the same word. Certain words will just take longer to recognize, beyond the effect of word frequency—such as (orthographically) longer words, or words less familiar to an undergraduate participant population.
Grouping by one or more units, or grouping factors, is the norm in linguistic data—as well as in most data from behavioral sciences.
We discussed many different assumptions made by regression models in the linear regression chapter, but the independence-of-errors assumption is particularly crucial. Let’s see a few examples of what can happen when grouping by unit is not taken into account.
7.1.1 Simpson’s paradox

This data is from a study examining the relationship between a language’s geographic distance from a fixed point (\(X\)) and its phonological diversity (\(Y\)). Languages are grouped into families (the “grouping factor”), because related languages will have very similar values of \(X\) and \(Y\), for reasons not of interest here. Of interest is how \(X\) affects \(Y\)—after accounting for family differences.
Without taking grouping into account, the relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\) would look negative. However, once grouping is taken into account, we can see that the relationship between \(X\) and \(Y\) is actually positive, within language families. (In addition, there is a negative relationship between a family’s mean \(X\) and mean \(Y\).)
That is: we would make the opposite conclusion if grouping information were not taken into account. This situation, where a trend is reversed or disappears within groups compared to across groups, is called Simpson’s paradox. A famous example related to graduate admissions at UC Berkeley is described here, with useful visualizations.
Simpson’s paradox is an extreme example, where the actual effect direction is flipped. More commonly, not taking grouping into account can result in Type I errors (spurious effects) or Type II errors (missing an effect that is really there):
Type I error: A couple items drive an otherwise null effect
Type II error: Consistent effect within items, but not in pooled data
In a future version of these notes there will be actual illustrative examples, but for now one can see these possibilities by mentally adjusting the Simpson’s paradox example shown above:
Type I: Keep all green points where they are; move points of all other colors so they have y-axis value of 0.5
Type II: Move each cluster of points vertically so it’s centered at y-axis = 0.5.
In technical terms, Type I errors can result from non-independence of errors because the degrees of freedom assumed by the model are wrong. Intuitively, \(n\) different observations from the same item should not count as \(n\) independent pieces of information about how a property of items (like word frequency) affects the response—as \(n\) different observations all from different items would count.
7.1.2 Repeated-measure ANOVAs
One technique for analyzing grouped data is repeated measure ANOVAs (RM-ANOVA). We will not discuss how to do RM-ANOVA’s, but they are widely used.30 For experimental linguistics in particular, especially psycholinguistics, RM-ANOVAs were the norm for statistical analysis from the mid 1970s to the early 2010s. Thus, some context is helpful.
An RM-ANOVA analysis assumes (relatively) equal sample size in different levels of the same grouping factor (e.g. same number of observations per participant), and that there is a single grouping factor (e.g. participants or items). The most common case for linguistic data is to have two or more grouping factors, such as participant and item. The analyst carries out one RM-ANOVA per grouping factor: separate “by-participant” and “by-item” RM-ANOVAs.31 Each RM-ANOVA results in an \(F\) statistic value, often called F1 (“by-participant”) and F2 (“by-item”). F1 and F2 are combined into a single statistic, minF. In practice, the by-participant and by-item RM-ANOVAs are often computed and interpreted without considering minF, as in the example below.
Here is a sample RM-ANOVA analysis report (from Salverda, Dahan, & McQueen (2003)):

Note that the report discusses significance “by participant” versus “by item”, referring to the F1 and F2 RM-ANOVA results for the same effect.
RM-ANOVA is a perfectly fine methodology for analyzing grouped data, especially for relatively simple experiments with balanced designs. Statistical power will be lower than for an equivalent mixed model, but ideally power should be high anyway in a simple experiment. Some discussion of RM-ANOVAs, including contextualization with respect to mixed models, is given by Barr, Levy, Scheepers, & Tily (2013); R. Baayen (2008), Sec. 7.2.1; R. Baayen et al. (2008).32
Mixed-effects regression models, or mixed models, are another way of analyzing grouped data. Mixed models are much more powerful than RM-ANOVA, and have become the standard for analyzing grouped data in many areas of language sciences, as well as other fields. The advantages of mixed models over RM-ANOVAs for analyzing grouped data include:
More than one grouping unit can be included in the same model
Unequal number of observations per level is OK
Explicitly model variability among levels of the same grouping factor
Ex: By participant variability (“individual differences”)
This means the analyst can explore and test questions about the variability itself (as opposed to effects averaging across participants, etc.), which is not possible using RM-ANOVA, or other methods we’ve covered so far.
7.2 Linear mixed models 1: One grouping factor, random intercepts
We will introduce each part of mixed models through a series of examples, using just one predictor (\(X\)) to keep things simple.
We start with the simplest case of mixed models—where there is variability between groups just in the value of the intercept. This first example uses the givenness
dataset, taking into account by-participant variability (grouping factor = participant
First, some notation:
\(n\): number of observations.
The grouping factor is
.There are \(J\) levels/groups (i.e., \(J\) participants)
Observation \(i\) is in group \(j[i]\) (\(j[i] \in \{1, \ldots, J\}\))
The response is
(\(Y\))- \(y_i\): value for the \(i^{\text{th}}\) observation
There is a single predictor,
(\(X\))\(x_i\): value for the \(i^{\text{th}}\) observation
0.5 = Williams, -0.5 = Contrast
(Italics are used to refer to levels of a factor, like Williams for the conditionLabel
We first consider a simple linear regression model without by-participant variability (Model 1A), then introduce the first mixed model (Model 1B).
7.2.1 Model 1A: Simple linear regression
The model for simple linear regression is:
\[ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i, \quad i = 1, 2,..., n \]
The errors are assumed to be normally distributed (and independent): \[ \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2) \]
This model assumes the same slope and intercept for all groups (i.e., all participants), as schematized here: The same
value is predicted for all observations in each condition, regardless of which participant an observation comes from.
To fit and summarize this model:
mod1a <- lm(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams, data = givenness)
## Call:
## lm(formula = acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams, data = givenness)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.31843 -0.56264 0.01977 0.53651 2.50851
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.72205 0.04109 -17.570 < 2e-16 ***
## conditionLabel.williams 0.31774 0.08224 3.863 0.000131 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.8032 on 380 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.03779, Adjusted R-squared: 0.03526
## F-statistic: 14.93 on 1 and 380 DF, p-value: 0.0001315
Since the data is grouped by participant (and item), this model violates the independent errors assumption of linear regression. Participants might differ in:
The mean value of
The effect of
Our goal in fitting the model is to assess whether there’s an effect of conditionLabel.williams
, beyond individual differences: \[
H_0\,:\,\beta_1 = 0
Either type of differences between participants could lead to falsely rejecting or accepting \(H_0\).
Mixed models deal with non-independence of errors by using two types of coefficients:
Random effects: Coefficients which vary between groups
Fixed effects: Coefficients which don’t vary between groups
Fixed effects are basically what we have referred to as “regression coefficients” in the linear regression and logistic regression models covered in previous chapters.
The next two models we consider have two different kinds of random effects:
7.2.2 Model 1B: Random intercept only
This model makes predictions as in Fig. 7.1: one line per participant, differing in intercept but not in slope.
The regression model for a simple linear regression with a random intercept is:
\[ y_i = \beta_0 + \alpha_{j[i]} + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i, \quad i = 1, 2, ..., n \] \(\alpha_{j[i]}\) is the random intercept, which captures the offset of group \(j[i]\) from the grand mean (\(\beta_0\)). The random intercept values for different participants are assumed to be normally distributed: \[ \alpha_j \sim N(0, \sigma^2_s), \quad j = 1, 2, ..., J \] where \(\sigma_s\) captures the amount of between-participant variation in the intercept value.
The errors \(\epsilon_i\) are still assumed to be normally distributed, as in a non-mixed-effects linear regression: \[ \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e), \quad j = 1, 2, ..., n \] where we now write the error variance as \(\sigma_e\) (instead of \(\sigma\)), to distinguish it from \(\sigma_s\).
This regression equation implies different models of how \(Y\) depends on \(X\), for different participants. For example, for participant #5:
\[ Y = \beta_0 + \alpha_5 + \beta_1 X+ \epsilon \] where \((\beta_0 + \alpha_5)\) is the value of the intercept for participant 5.
The model “across participants”, or “for an average participant”, is: \[ Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \epsilon \] Here, the intercept is \(\beta_0\): the overall intercept, averaged across participants. This model is identical to Model 1A—simple logistic regression, without random effects.
What is the same in both models is the slope of \(X\) (and the variance of the error term).
Fitting Model 1B means estimating:
The fixed effect coefficients:
\(\beta_0\): grand mean
\(\beta_1\): slope of
The variance components:
\(\sigma^2_s\): variability of intercept offset across participants
\(\sigma^2_e\): residual error variance
Detour: Fitting linear mixed-effects models
We will use the lme4
package for fitting (linear) mixed effects models, which is the most widely-used R package for such models. lme4
is both widely used and frequently updated. (Because of the latter, it’s important to cite the exact version of lme4
used when reporting a mixed-effects model in a paper. The version of lme4 used to fit models in this chapter is See D. Bates, Mächler, Bolker, & Walker (2014) for the mathematical details of fitting these models.
Functions in this package fit mixed models by maximizing either:
maximum likelihood (ML), which gives biased variance component estimates, or
restricted ML (REML), which gives unbiased variance component estimates, and is typically the default
The difference between ML and REML only matters for small sample sizes. Technically you must use ML fits for model comparison to make sense, and if you try to compare two lme4
models using anova()
in R, the models will automatically be re-fit using ML before comparing (as of 2018).33 Fitting Model 1B
We fit the mixed model described above using the lmer
function (from the lme4
mod1b <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant), data = givenness)
where (1|participant)
is lme4
notation for a by-participant random intercept (1
means “intercept”, |participant
means “grouped by participant”).
Note: You do not need to write lme4::lmer
in general, just lmer
. The notation lme4::lmer
is used here to make sure we use the lmer
function from the lme4
package, rather than the redefined version of lmer
from the lmerTest
package discussed in Sec.
The model’s output is:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 897.9
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -3.0538 -0.7129 0.0083 0.6540 3.3136
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.08937 0.299
## Residual 0.55800 0.747
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) -0.71856 0.06916 -10.39
## conditionLabel.williams 0.32626 0.07677 4.25
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.002
Under Random effects
\(\hat{\sigma}^2_s = 0.089\) : estimated by-participant variability in the intercept.
\(\hat{\sigma}^2_e = 0.558\): estimated residual error variance
Under Fixed effects
: estimates of the fixed-effect coefficients:
\(\hat{\beta}_0 = -0.71\): intercept
\(\hat{\beta}_1 = 0.326\): slope Interpretation
The model predicts that for an “average participant”, the relationship between condition and acoustics
\texttt{acoustics = -0.71 + 0.326 x conditionLabel.williams}
Because the random intercepts are normally distributed, we expect (approximately) 95% of participants to have intercepts within \(2 \sigma_s\) of the overall intercept, \(\beta_0\). Thus, the model predicts that 95% of participants in the population have intercepts between -1.309 and -0.113:
lower bound: \(\hat{\beta}_0 - 2 \cdot \hat{\sigma}_s = -0.71 - 2 \cdot 0.299 = -1.309\)
upper bound: \(\hat{\beta}_0 + 2 \cdot \hat{\sigma}_s = -0.113\)
(In addition, \(\approx\) 95% of observations are predicted to have an error between -1.5 and 1.5, \(=\pm 2 \cdot \hat{\sigma}_e\).)
We can compare the residual error (how much variance is “left over”) in the simple linear regression Model (1A) and the random-intercept model (1B):
Model 1A: \(\hat{\sigma}^2_e = 0.803\)34
Model 1B: \(\hat{\sigma}^2_e = 0.558\)
The residual error variance is much smaller in the random-intercept model. This is because in the random-intercept model, the error of the simple linear regression model has been partitioned into participant-level error and observation-level error, captured by \(\sigma_s\) and \(\sigma_e\). Intuitively, some error has been “given” to the participant level.
Note that the fixed-effect coefficients \(\hat{\beta}_0\) and \(\hat{\beta}_1\) (the “intercept” and “slope”) are nearly the same in Model 1A and Model 1B.
- What does this mean? (That the fixed-effect coefficients are the same in the predictions made by Model 1A and Model 1B?) By-participant predictions
Although the random effects \(\alpha_1, ..., \alpha_J\) aren’t fitted parameters, we can extract the following from the model:
Estimates of the random effects, the “best linear unbiased predictors” (or BLUPs)
Standard errors of the BLUPs
This allows us to extract the model predictions for each participant:
ranef(mod1b)$participant # ranef() found in library(lme4), library(arm)
## (Intercept)
## 24 0.085333501
## 297 0.036820472
## 432 -0.411839925
## 524 0.116659623
## 529 -0.485395105
## 530 -0.077424563
## 540 0.244536341
## 541 0.193392070
## 542 -0.126468368
## 544 0.012462384
## 547 -0.335559107
## 548 0.489860310
## 549 -0.135853392
## 550 -0.047183013
## 552 -0.032362240
## 553 0.239715782
## 554 -0.045139278
## 555 -0.204230783
## 556 -0.104644687
## 557 0.199844627
## 558 0.004117646
## 559 -0.336348686
## 560 0.307842484
## 561 0.530048433
## 562 -0.163493454
## 563 -0.072168272
## 564 0.117477201
se.ranef(mod1b)$participant # se.ranef found in library(arm)
## (Intercept)
## 24 0.1583862
## 297 0.1620712
## 432 0.1620712
## 524 0.1853443
## 529 0.1660260
## 530 0.1620712
## 540 0.1660260
## 541 0.1660260
## 542 0.1583862
## 544 0.1748900
## 547 0.1620712
## 548 0.1660260
## 549 0.1583862
## 550 0.1620712
## 552 0.1748900
## 553 0.1660260
## 554 0.1620712
## 555 0.1620712
## 556 0.1620712
## 557 0.1660260
## 558 0.1660260
## 559 0.1702852
## 560 0.1660260
## 561 0.1620712
## 562 0.1583862
## 563 0.1798897
## 564 0.1702852
These values might be useful if you are interested in which participants have particularly high or low baseline values of your dependent variable, for example.
A simpler way to get predictions is to just use predict(yourmodel, newdata = dataframeToPredictFor)
is a useful function in general, which also works with lm
and glm
For example:
## MODEL 1B: random intercept only
mod1b <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant), data=givenness)
## set up a dataframe for which the model should predict new values:
## each level of conditionLabel, for each participant.
## it's easiest to understand this if we first refit a version of mod1b using the *factor* version of conditionLabel (rather than the numeric conditionLabel.williams version)
mod1b.1 <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel + (1|participant), data=givenness)
## set up a dataframe to predict values for: one row per participant/cond label pair
newdata <- data.frame(expand.grid(conditionLabel=unique(givenness$conditionLabel),
## get the predicted value for each case
newdata$pred <- predict(mod1b.1, newdata=newdata)
## plot the model's prediction for each participant:
ggplot(aes(x=conditionLabel, y=pred), data=newdata) +
geom_line(aes(x=conditionLabel,y=pred, group=participant)) +
xlab("Condition") +
ylab("Model prediction")

Figure 7.1: Predictions for each participant from Model 1B.
We can also get 95% CIs, as in the example in Sec. 7.12.
Let’s compare the predictions made by Model 1A (simple linear regression) and Model 1B (random intercept), for each participant:
## get the same predictions but for model 1. first fit a version with the factor for conditionlabel:
mod1a.1 <- lm(acoustics ~ conditionLabel, data=givenness)
newdata$pred.mod1a <- predict(mod1a.1, newdata=newdata)
ggplot(aes(x=conditionLabel, y=acoustics), data=givenness) +
geom_jitter(alpha=0.1) +
geom_line(aes(x=conditionLabel,y=pred, group=participant), color='red', data=newdata) +
geom_line(aes(x=conditionLabel,y=pred.mod1a, group=participant), lty=2, data=newdata) +
xlab("Condition") +
ylab("Model prediction") +

Figure 7.2: Model 1A shown in black, Model 1B shown in red.
Model 1A always makes the same prediction—the black line—which moves vertically for different participants (red lines).
To get a sense of what the random-intercept model is doing, we can compare the predicted intercept (participant \(i\): \(\hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\alpha}_{j[i]}\)) with the empirical mean for each participant:
## empirical mean acoustic values by participant
df <- givenness %>% group_by(participant) %>% summarise(meanAcoustics=mean(acoustics))
## participant random effects
df2 <- ranef(mod1b)$participant
df$modPred <- fixef(mod1b)[1] + df2[match(df$participant, rownames(df2)),1]
ggplot(aes(x=meanAcoustics, y=modPred), data=df) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(lty=2) +
xlab("Partic. empirical mean") +
ylab("Partic. predicted intercept")
The predicted intercepts are closer to the grand mean than the empirical values, a phenomenon called shrinkage, because the (absolute value of the) random intercepts are “shrunk” from the empirical means. Why?
The predicted value (random effect) is a weighted average of the participant’s (empirical) mean and the grand mean.
More observations \(\implies\) greater weight given to empirical mean
Shrinkage improves generalization of the model to data from new participants. But importantly, it also means that BLUPs are not the fitted values for each participant. They are intentionally not near the empirical means. In contrast, the fixed-effect coefficients (\(\hat{\beta}_0, \hat{\beta}_1\)) should be close to the values you’d estimate from empirical data.
Chapter 12 of Gelman & Hill (2007) discusses these points.
7.3 Linear mixed models 2: One grouping factor, random intercepts and slopes
Model 1B allowed the intercept to differ by participant—each participant’s “baseline” is different. In addition, the slope of an effect could differ by participant, which is captured in a mixed model by a random slope term. Fig. 7.2 shows what the predictions from this kind of model would look like.
For the givenness
example used for Models 1A-1B, there turns out to be no detectable by-participant variation in the slope of conditionLabel.williams
—see extra examples in Sec. 7.12. Thus, we use a different dataset, halfrhyme
, where there is clear by-participant variation.
We have not discussed this dataset’s interpretation, and you can just think of \(Y\) and \(X\) as arbitrary variables if it’s helpful.
We will fit a model with:
Response (\(Y\)):
Fixed effect (\(X\)):
(of vowel)Random effects:
By-participant intercept
By-participant random slope of
As in Models 1A and 1B, there is a single grouping factor: participant
From the empirical data, it does look like participants might vary in both the intercept and the slope of the relDuration
halfrhyme$participant <- as.factor(halfrhyme$participant)
ggplot(aes(x=relDuration, y=rhymeRating), data=halfrhyme) +
geom_smooth(method='lm', se=F, size=0.75) +
geom_point(size=0.1) +
facet_wrap(~participant) +
theme(legend.position='none') +
7.3.1 Model 1C
The model for a simple linear-mixed effects regression with a random intercept and random slope for a single grouping factor is:
\[ y_i = \beta_0 + \alpha_{j[i]} + (\beta_1 + \gamma_{j[i]}) x_i + \epsilon_i, \quad 1, 2, ..., n \] As in previous models:
\(\beta_0\), \(\beta_1\) are the fixed effects (intercept and slope)
Errors are normally distributed: \[\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e), \quad i = 1, ..., n\]
For random effects:
\(\alpha_{j[i]}\) is the random intercept term, which has the same interpretation as in Model 1B.
\(\gamma_{j[i]}\) is the random slope term, which captures how much each participant’s slope (for \(X\)) differs from the “average” slope across participants (\(\beta_1\)).
Fitting Model 1C means estimating:
Fixed-effect coefficients: \(\beta_0, \beta_1\)
Variance components:
Random effect variances \(\sigma^2_{p,0}, \sigma^2_{p,1}\)
Error variance \(\sigma^2_e\)
7.3.2 Fitting Model 1C
To fit the model:
mod1c <- lme4::lmer(rhymeRating ~ relDuration + (1 + relDuration || participant),
where (1 + relDuration||participant)
is lme4
notation for:
Random intercept (
means “intercept”)Random slope of
(random effects go to the left of the “pipe” symbol|
)Grouped by participant (grouping factor goes to the right of the pipe)
The random intercept and slope are uncorrelated—indicated by the double pipe
. (We’ll discuss this further when we introduce correlated random effects.)
(1 + relDuration||participant)
is read “uncorrelated by-subject random intercept and by-subject random slope”.
The model’s output is:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula:
## rhymeRating ~ relDuration + ((1 | participant) + (0 + relDuration |
## participant))
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 2578.7
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.4022 -0.6091 -0.1126 0.6138 3.5726
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 1.267 1.126
## participant.1 relDuration 4.482 2.117
## Residual 1.552 1.246
## Number of obs: 756, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.3003 0.2125 15.533
## relDuration 2.7249 0.7816 3.486
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## relDuration 0.192
The fixed effect coefficients, and the by-participant and Residual
rows of “Random effects” have the same interpretation as for the random-intercept-only model (Model 1B). What is new is the random slope variance (second row of “Random effects”), which is estimated to be \(\hat{\sigma}^2_{p,1} = 4.482\).
The interpretation of this “random slope” term is:
\(\hat{\sigma}_{p,1}\) = 2.12: degree of variability among participants in the slope of
\(\approx 95\%\) of participants (in the population) have slope of
between -1.51 and 6.96- \(=\hat{\beta}_1 \pm 2 \cdot \hat{\sigma}_{p,1}\)
- How much variability is there in participants’ intercept values?
Again, we can use ranef()
or predict()
to get by-participant model predictions, using the estimated random effects (BLUPs).
To get model predictions for each participant, and visualize them:
## get model predictions for mod1c for each participant
## first, set up a prediction frame, say from min to max values of relDuration in the data, for each participant
newdata <- data.frame(
max(halfrhyme$relDuration), by=0.01),
## get the predicted value for each case
newdata$pred <- predict(mod1c, newdata=newdata)
## plot the model's prediction for each participant:
ggplot(aes(x=relDuration, y=pred), data=newdata) +
geom_line(aes(x=relDuration,y=pred, group=participant)) +
xlab("relDuration") +
ylab("Predicted rhymeRating")

Figure 7.3: Predictions for each participant from Model 1C.
Plot model predictions and empirical data for each participant:
ggplot(aes(x=relDuration, y=pred), data=newdata) +
geom_line(aes(x=relDuration,y=pred, group=participant)) +
geom_point(aes(x=relDuration,y=rhymeRating),data=halfrhyme, alpha=0.5, size=1) +
ylim(1,7) +
xlab("relDuration") +
ylab("Predicted rhymeRating") +
7.4 Linear mixed models 3: Two grouping factors
Often in linguistic data, there is more than one grouping factor. Some common cases:
Laboratory experiments: both participants and items are sampled from larger populations.35
Corpus data: both speakers/authors and words are sampled from larger populations.
We will focus on the participant/item case (#1) for exposition.
Most experiments have clear by-participant and by-item variability. In RM-ANOVA analyses, this is dealt with by fitting two separate “by-participant” and “by-item” models, an awkward solution that can lower statistical power. In mixed-effects models, it is possible to account for both kinds of variability simultaneously, by including by-participant and by-item random effects.
This is a case of crossed random effects: multiple grouping factors, which vary independently. (As opposed to “nested” random effects, such as by-school variability and by-participant within school.) Crossed random effect structure is necessary to model even simple linguistic experiments. The facility of fitting crossed random effects in lme4
makes it well-suited for modeling linguistic data.36
We introduce crossed random effects for the same case as in Models 1A and 1B: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams
, for the givenness
7.4.1 Model 2A: By-participant and by-item random intercepts
The model for this case is:
\[\begin{equation*} y_i = \beta_0 + \alpha_{par, j[i]} + \alpha_{item, k[i]} + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i \end{equation*}\]The fixed effects (\(\beta_0\), \(\beta_1\)) and errors (\(\epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma_e)\)) are as in previous models.
The random effects are:
\(\alpha_{par, j[i]}\): by-participant random intercept
\(\alpha_{item, k[i]}\): by-item random intercept
where \(\sigma^2_{par}\) and \(\sigma^2_{item}\) quantify the degree of variability among participants and items in the intercept value.
- What is the interpretation of each random intercept in this example? For example, what do \(\alpha_{par,2}\) and \(\alpha_{item,5}\) mean? Fitting Model 2A
To fit this model:
mod2a <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
The model’s output is:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 887
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7608 -0.6026 -0.0187 0.6293 3.2908
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.09266 0.3044
## item (Intercept) 0.04108 0.2027
## Residual 0.51732 0.7192
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) -0.71655 0.08585 -8.347
## conditionLabel.williams 0.33771 0.07406 4.560
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.001
Is there more variability among participants or items?
This pattern is common in laboratory experiments. Why?
Exercise 1
Based on your understanding of the mixed models presented so far (1B, 1C), you should be able to answer these questions.
In Model 2A:
95% of subjects have intercepts between _____ and _____
95% of items have intercepts between _____ and _____
What is the residual error for these three models, fit with the same fixed effects (
acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams
):Model 1A (simple linear regression) (fit
, thensummary(mod1a)
)Model 1B (by-participant random intercept)
Model 2A (by-participant and by-word random intercept)
Why does the pattern you see make sense?
7.5 Evaluating LMMs
7.5.1 Hypothesis testing
In non-mixed models, we see a test statistic and \(p\)-value for each term in the regression model, corresponding to the hypothesis test that the term is different from zero.
We might expect to see a test statistic and \(p\)-value for each random-effect and fixed-effect term in a mixed model, but we don’t. For example, in Model 2A:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 887
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7608 -0.6026 -0.0187 0.6293 3.2908
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.09266 0.3044
## item (Intercept) 0.04108 0.2027
## Residual 0.51732 0.7192
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) -0.71655 0.08585 -8.347
## conditionLabel.williams 0.33771 0.07406 4.560
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.001
Random effects
, there are no test statistics or \(p\)-values.Under
Fixed effects
, there are test statistics but no \(p\)-values.
How can we assess whether a fixed-effect or random-effect term contributes significantly to a mixed-effects model?
This turns out to be a contentious question, for practical and philosophical reasons—especially for fixed effects, which we usually care about more.37 Some (technical) discussion is given here.
The upshot is that there are several ways to calculate \(p\)-values, which vary along an axis from “more approximate, but faster to compute” to “exact, but very time consuming to compute”.
In the opinion of one author (Morgan), any method in Sec. 7.5.3 more complex than “Use \(t\) statistic” is probably fine—and as usual, if how you calculate significance matters much to the conclusion you make, you probably shouldn’t put much stock into the effect anyway. However, it’s good to be aware of the issues, not least because other researchers (including reviewers) think it is important to use a more precise method.
7.5.2 Significance of a random effect term
Hypothesis testing for random effects turns out to follow a similar logic to testing the effect of multiple terms in a logistic regression model, where we used a likelihood ratio test, as in Sec. 5.2.1.
For a large enough dataset, the difference in deviance between a model with and without \(k\) random effect terms approximately follows a \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(df=k\). This means we can use a likelihood ratio test to assess whether these terms significantly contribute.
Does the by-item random intercept in Model 2A significantly contribute to model likelihood?
mod2a <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
mod2a.1 <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant), data=givenness)
anova(mod2a, mod2a.1, test='Chisq')
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
## Data: givenness
## Models:
## mod2a.1: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant)
## mod2a: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## mod2a: item)
## Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
## mod2a.1 4 899.07 914.86 -445.54 891.07
## mod2a 5 890.58 910.31 -440.29 880.58 10.49 1 0.0012 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Thus, acoustics
differs significantly between items (\(\chi^2(1)=10.49, p=0.0012\)).
Note that this method doesn’t work for testing the significance of a random effect in a model with just one random effect, such as Model 1B, because the models being compared are not of the same type (one is a mixed model and one isn’t, so the likelihoods are not directly comparable). In this case we can instead use an “exact restricted likelihood ratio test”, implemented as exactRLRT()
in the RLRsim
package. This is not a common case.
7.5.3 Significance of fixed effects
Several options are available for calculating \(p\)-values for fixed effect terms, including the following, listed in increasing order of precision/computation time:
Use \(t\) statistic / Wald test
Likelihood ratio test
Satterthwaite approximation (
)Parametric bootstrap
We show an example of how to do each, with some discussion. \(t\)-statistic
The first method is simply to assume that the \(t\)-statistic for a coefficient—its estimated value divided by its standard error—follows a normal distribution (equivalent to assuming high \(df\)), and calculate a two-sided Wald test on \(|t|\). For example, for \(t=-2.03\), the \(p\)-value would be:
2*(1-pt(abs(-2.03), df=1000))
## [1] 0.04262085
This is not a good way to get a \(p\)-value—it’s very approximate. However, it has a useful corollary: observing that 95% of a \(t\) distribution with high \(df\) has \(|t|<2\) gives a simple rule of thumb: fixed effects with \(|t|>2\) are (roughly!) significant at the \(p<0.05\) level.
Thus, if \(|t|\) is much larger than 2 (say \(|t|>4\)), the effect is highly significant and you don’t need to bother using a more exact method to get a \(p\)-value.
In the literature, \(|t|>2\) is sometimes used as a rough “is this term significant?” criterion, without comment. Likelihood ratio tests
This works exactly like testing the significance of 1+ random effect terms. You fit a model with and without 1+ fixed-effect terms, and compare them with a likelihood ratio test using the anova()
command. For large enough datasets, the difference in deviance between the two models follows a \(\chi^2\) distribution under the null hypothesis that the fixed-effect coefficients (for the omitted predictors) are zero.
For example, to test whether conditionLabel.williams
significantly contributes to Model 2A, using an LR test:
mod2a <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
mod2a.1 <- lme4::lmer(acoustics ~ 1+ (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
anova(mod2a, mod2a.1)
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
## Data: givenness
## Models:
## mod2a.1: acoustics ~ 1 + (1 | participant) + (1 | item)
## mod2a: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## mod2a: item)
## Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
## mod2a.1 4 908.69 924.48 -450.35 900.69
## mod2a 5 890.58 910.31 -440.29 880.58 20.11 1 7.313e-06 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
There is a significant effect of conditionLabel.williams
(\(\chi^2(1)=20.1\), \(p<0.001\)). Satterthwaite approximation
An option which gives a reasonably good \(p\), in reasonable computation time, is using the Satterthwaite approximation to compute (approximately correct) \(df\) for each fixed-effect coefficient, which is then used to conduct a two-sided \(t\) test. This method has become popular due in part to its handy implementation in the lmerTest
package, which redefines the lmer
command to calculate these \(df\) and \(p\)-values, and add them to the standard lmer
For example, re-running Model 2A with lmerTest
mod2a <- lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 887
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7608 -0.6026 -0.0187 0.6293 3.2908
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.09266 0.3044
## item (Intercept) 0.04108 0.2027
## Residual 0.51732 0.7192
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.71655 0.08585 27.88067 -8.347 4.57e-09
## conditionLabel.williams 0.33771 0.07406 342.45831 4.560 7.14e-06
## (Intercept) ***
## conditionLabel.williams ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.001
We recommend (in 2018) calculating \(p\)-values for fixed-effect terms in linear mixed models using the Satterthwaite approximation, as an easy and reasonably accurate option.
After loading
, yourlmer
models will take about twice as long to run. This is only an issue if you are fitting complicated models or analyzing large datasets.If you want to use the
after loadinglmerTest
, you uselme4::lmer
. (For example, to run a model that doesn’t take twice as long.) Parametric bootstrap
Parametric bootstrapping (PB) is a very accurate method for calculating p-values, which also takes a very long time. One useful implementation of PB is in the afex
package; for more general PB computations the bootMer()
function of lme4
can be used.
Roughly, what PB is doing is simulating many new datasets from your model, assuming a given fixed effect coefficient is set to zero (but all other coefficients are kept at their fitted values). It then fits the original model to each of the new datasets, resulting in a distribution of values for the fixed-effect coefficient of interest. The proportion of these re-fitted models where the coefficient (which should be zero) is as large or larger than the original estimate of the coefficient’s value (the first time you ran the model, on the real data) is the p-value. This is a very direct implementation of the meaning of Type 1 error (“how often would I wrongly conclude the coefficient was at least this large, if I redid the experiment many times?”).
Thus, PB effectively needs to re-run your model nsim
times, and the higher nsim
is, the more accurate the p-values are. Here’s an example for Model 2A, with nsim = 1000
mod2a.pb <- mixed(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1|participant) + (1|item), args_test = list(nsim=1000), data=givenness, method="PB")
## Fitting 2 (g)lmer() models:
## [..]
## Obtaining 1 p-values:
## [.]
This takes a couple minutes on a laptop. Results:
## Mixed Model Anova Table (Type 3 tests, PB-method)
## Model: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 | participant) + (1 |
## Model: item)
## Data: givenness
## Effect df Chisq p.value
## 1 conditionLabel.williams 1 20.11 *** .0010
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '+' 0.1 ' ' 1
The \(p\)-value is very small in this model, similar to when the Satterthwaite approximation is used, but now it is only 0.001. The true p-value is probably much lower than 0.001, but 0.001 is the lowest value we can get using nsim = 1000
. (Why?)
You can try running with nsim = 1000000
to get a more accurate \(p\) value while you do something else for a couple hours.
7.5.4 Evaluating goodness of fit
As for all regression models, we would like a measure of goodness-of-fit for linear mixed-effects models (LMMs). However, there is no simple measure for LMMs with the same properties of \(R^2\) for linear regression, including interpretability as “proportion of variation explained.” This is because in LMMs there is more than one kind of variation that can be “explained”:
Residual variation: error in each observation
Variation among speakers in intercept
Variation among speakers in the slope of \(X\)
Thus, capturing “goodness of fit” for LMMs requires more than one measure. Snijders & Bosker (2011) give useful discussion.
That said, one simple and common recipe is just to take the squared correlation of an LMM’s predictions (\(\hat{y}_i\)) with the observations (\(y_i\)), and call this “\(R^2\)”.
This measure means “amount of variability accounted for by the model in this dataset”, without distinguishing between fixed and random effect terms. Thus, \(R^2\) is often rather high for LMMs, simply because much variability in the data comes down to by-participant and by-item variability—even if the model would not actually have much predictive power on new data (unseen participants or items).
For models we have considered so far of givenness ~ conditionLabel.williams
- Model 1A:
cor(predict(mod1a), givenness$acoustics)^2
## [1] 0.03779243
- Model 1B:
cor(predict(mod1b), givenness$acoustics)^2
## [1] 0.2192169
- Model 2A:
cor(predict(mod2a), givenness$acoustics)^2
## [1] 0.3054109
\(R^2\) increases with the number of random-effect terms. This makes sense as a measure of goodness-of-fit for this dataset: more variability in the data is “explained”—as being due to participant or item variability, as opposed to noise. It does not make sense if \(R^2\) is viewed as a measure of predictive power: the three models have almost identical fixed-effect coefficients (\(\hat{\beta}_0\), \(\hat{\beta}_1\)), meaning they will make near-identical predictions for unseen data!
7.6 Linear mixed models 4: Multiple predictors
So far we have considered four types of linear mixed-effects models:
Linear regression, no random effects (Model 1A)
By-participant random intercept (Model 1B)
By-participant random intercept and slope (Model 1C)
By-participant and by-item random intercepts (Model 2A)
all with a single predictor.
We now turn to LMMs with multiple predictors:
We fit Models 3A and 3B to the same data, to demonstrate LMMs with multiple predictors (= “multiple fixed effects”).
Fixed effects:
These fixed effects are one possible set one could arrive at via exploratory data analysis to analyze the data with the goal of testing whether the Williams effect exists (see dataset description). The conditionLabel.williams
term is of primary interest.
We will denote the fixed-effect coefficients for (1)–(5) as \(\beta_{\texttt{conditionLabel}}\), and so on.
7.6.1 Types of predictors
For fitting and interpreting mixed models, it is important to think of predictors in terms of their level. A predictor which describes something about participants (e.g. participant gender) is participant-level, a predictor which describes a property of items (e.g. word frequency) is item-level, and so on. Participant-level predictors are sometimes called “between-participant”, because they do not vary within participants, while a predictor that varies within participant is “within-participant” (and similarly for “between-item”, etc.). (We will not use within/between-X terminology, but you may be familiar with it, and it’s widely used in the literature.) A predictor which has a different value for every observation—that is, varies within item and participant—is called observation-level.
For the givenness
Every item appears in two conditions (Williams, contrast) and two NP types (pronoun, full NP).
Every item has one voice (active or passive)
is an item-level predictorAll other predictors vary within participants and items \(\implies\) observation-level predictors:
(if bothA
are observation level, so isA:B
There are no participant-level predictors.
7.6.2 Model 3A: Random intercepts only
This “intercepts only” model includes by-participant and by-item random intercepts, as well as the fixed effects described above. To fit the model:
## Model 3A: multiple predictors, by-item and by-partic random effects
## (p-values from lmerTest)
mod3a <- lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron + voice.passive + order.std + (1|participant) + (1|item), data=givenness)
The model’s output is:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron + voice.passive +
## order.std + (1 | participant) + (1 | item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 758.6
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7638 -0.6535 -0.0102 0.5750 3.5847
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.11624 0.3409
## item (Intercept) 0.03825 0.1956
## Residual 0.34715 0.5892
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value
## (Intercept) -0.71517 0.08728 29.38442 -8.194
## conditionLabel.williams 0.32769 0.06074 338.37005 5.395
## npType.pron 0.77529 0.06072 338.22707 12.768
## voice.passive 0.05087 0.11572 12.11117 0.440
## order.std -0.12730 0.10819 17.79197 -1.177
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.31916 0.12126 337.32828 2.632
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 4.45e-09 ***
## conditionLabel.williams 1.29e-07 ***
## npType.pron < 2e-16 ***
## voice.passive 0.66795
## order.std 0.25483
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.00888 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL. npTyp. vc.pss ordr.s
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.001
## npType.pron 0.001 -0.015
## voice.passv 0.009 0.005 -0.023
## order.std -0.004 0.015 -0.032 0.107
## cndtnLb.:T. -0.006 -0.004 0.003 0.003 -0.021
Comparing significances and directions of the fixed effects, Model 3A is mostly similar to a model without the random intercepts:
summary(lm(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron + voice.passive + order.std, data=givenness))
## Call:
## lm(formula = acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron +
## voice.passive + order.std, data = givenness)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.94657 -0.49206 0.00032 0.46756 2.31921
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.72335 0.03582 -20.193 < 2e-16
## conditionLabel.williams 0.30626 0.07169 4.272 2.46e-05
## npType.pron 0.75743 0.07171 10.563 < 2e-16
## voice.passive 0.05866 0.07203 0.814 0.4159
## order.std -0.19556 0.07211 -2.712 0.0070
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.31954 0.14346 2.227 0.0265
## (Intercept) ***
## conditionLabel.williams ***
## npType.pron ***
## voice.passive
## order.std **
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7 on 376 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2768, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2672
## F-statistic: 28.78 on 5 and 376 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
With one exception: the order
effect, which has smaller effect size and is no longer significant in the mixed model. To see why, note how items were presented in the experiment:
ggplot(data=givenness, aes(x=as.factor(item), y=order)) +
geom_point(position=position_jitter(w=0.2, h=0.2)) +
Items were presented in four blocks—something that isn’t accounted for unless the regression model allows for by-item variability. Not accounting for such variability in the multiple linear regression model leads to a spurious order
In this case, the random effects in the mixed model are simply accounting for information we forgot to include in the fixed-effects-only model. (We could have included “block” as a factor.) But more generally, one useful function of random effects is to account for by-participant and by-item variability beyond sources included as predictors in the model—either because you don’t know what these sources are (the usual case), or because you forgot to include them (this example). Doing so helps avoid spurious effects.
Bonus: Thinking through model predictions
Thinking through mixed-model predictions is confusing at first, but very useful. Once you understand “simple” models like this one, it isn’t hard to generalize to more complex models.
A couple examples of the predictions the model makes:
- Model prediction for an “average subject and average item”: \[\begin{align*} y_i &= \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_{\texttt{clabel}} \cdot \texttt{clabel}_i + \hat{\beta}_{\texttt{npType}} \cdot \texttt{npType}_i + \\ &\hphantom{{}={======}} \hat{\beta}_{\texttt{order}} \cdot \texttt{order}_i + \hat{\beta}_{\texttt{clabel:npType}} \cdot \texttt{clabel}_i \texttt{npType}_i \end{align*}\]
(Where clabel
is an abbreviation for conditionLabel
This looks exactly like you’d expect given the model’s fixed effects formula (clabel + npType + order + voice + clabel:npType
), except that there is no term for voice
. This is because voice
is an item-level predictor, so for an “average item”, there is no voice effect—the average is over both active and passive voice items.
- Model prediction for Subject 5, item 2 (where
= passive for this item):
In this equation, the “intercept” is: \[
\left( \hat{\beta}_0 + \alpha_5 + \delta_2 + 0.5 \cdot \hat{\beta}_{\texttt{voice}} \right)
\] this is the predicted mean value for this participant and item: the grand mean, with offsets for this participant, this item, and this voice
Interpretation aside: because voice
is item-level, the by-item random intercept is not the offset from the grand mean. It is the offset of item 2 among voice
= passive items.
7.6.3 Model 3B: Random intercepts and all possible random slopes
Model 3A had random intercepts (by-participant and by-item) only. We now add “all possible random slopes”. What this means is:
By-participant random slopes for all predictors that vary within participants (i.e. not participant-level predictors)
By-item random slopes for all predictors that vary within items (i.e. not item-level predictors)
For example, suppose that the model included a predictor for participant gender. This predictor estimates the difference between male and female participants. The effect of this predictor cannot vary within participants—each participant has only one value of gender, so it doesn’t make sense to estimate “difference between male and female for participant 3”. Thus, there can be no by-participant random slope term. More generally, there can be no by-participant random slopes for participant-level predictors.
By similar logic, there can be no by-item random slopes for item-level predictors.
Thus, the current model could include:
By-participant random slopes for all predictors
By-item random slopes for all predictors except
However, for simplicity we leave out the random slope for order
. The fixed-effect term is not significant, and we don’t care about the \(\hat{\beta}_{\texttt{order}}\) estimate anyway. (We will discuss motivation for which random slope terms to include, soon.)
Technical note: we are again using “uncorrelated” random effects, denoted by the double-pipe (||
) symbol. (We will discuss what this means soon as well.)
To fit the model:
## Model 3B
mod3b <- lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron + voice.passive + order.std +
(1 + conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron + voice.passive || participant) +
(1 + conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron || item), data=givenness)
In the model formula:
(1 + conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron + voice.passive || participant)
are the by-participant random effects(1 + conditionLabel.williams*npType.pron || item)
are the by-item random effects.
The model output is:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron + voice.passive +
## order.std + (1 + conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron +
## voice.passive || participant) + (1 + conditionLabel.williams *
## npType.pron || item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 722.6
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.97005 -0.61342 -0.00089 0.55381 2.98506
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.11589 0.3404
## participant.1 conditionLabel.williams 0.01278 0.1131
## participant.2 npType.pron 0.01298 0.1139
## participant.3 voice.passive 0.08281 0.2878
## participant.4 conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.03131 0.1770
## item (Intercept) 0.04089 0.2022
## item.1 conditionLabel.williams 0.00000 0.0000
## item.2 npType.pron 0.20854 0.4567
## item.3 conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.00000 0.0000
## Residual 0.26762 0.5173
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value
## (Intercept) -0.71909 0.08702 29.69336 -8.263
## conditionLabel.williams 0.30897 0.05894 19.87033 5.242
## npType.pron 0.78377 0.12831 15.26567 6.108
## voice.passive 0.06037 0.12802 16.52472 0.472
## order.std -0.12414 0.10625 18.30847 -1.168
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.31522 0.11341 21.95021 2.780
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.45e-09 ***
## conditionLabel.williams 4.03e-05 ***
## npType.pron 1.85e-05 ***
## voice.passive 0.6434
## order.std 0.2576
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.0109 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL. npTyp. vc.pss ordr.s
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.002
## npType.pron 0.000 -0.005
## voice.passv 0.008 0.004 -0.009
## order.std -0.004 0.019 -0.013 0.097
## cndtnLb.:T. -0.005 0.001 0.002 0.003 -0.019
Compare to the results of Model 3A:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron + voice.passive +
## order.std + (1 | participant) + (1 | item)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 758.6
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.7638 -0.6535 -0.0102 0.5750 3.5847
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.11624 0.3409
## item (Intercept) 0.03825 0.1956
## Residual 0.34715 0.5892
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27; item, 16
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value
## (Intercept) -0.71517 0.08728 29.38442 -8.194
## conditionLabel.williams 0.32769 0.06074 338.37005 5.395
## npType.pron 0.77529 0.06072 338.22707 12.768
## voice.passive 0.05087 0.11572 12.11117 0.440
## order.std -0.12730 0.10819 17.79197 -1.177
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.31916 0.12126 337.32828 2.632
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 4.45e-09 ***
## conditionLabel.williams 1.29e-07 ***
## npType.pron < 2e-16 ***
## voice.passive 0.66795
## order.std 0.25483
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron 0.00888 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL. npTyp. vc.pss ordr.s
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.001
## npType.pron 0.001 -0.015
## voice.passv 0.009 0.005 -0.023
## order.std -0.004 0.015 -0.032 0.107
## cndtnLb.:T. -0.006 -0.004 0.003 0.003 -0.021
Comparing the model with random slopes (3B) to the model without random slopes (3A):
Fixed-effect coefficient values are similar
\(t\) values for coefficients which were significant (\(|t| >> 2\)) are still high.
This means there are solid overall effects (of conditionLabel
, npType
, and their interaction), after accounting for between-item and between-participant variability.
Note that the \(t\) value for npType
is much lower in Model 3B (6.1 versus 12.8)—though still highly significant. This lower \(t\) value is OK, and in fact a good thing, as explained in Sec. 7.7.
7.6.4 Assessing variability
Random slopes capture variability among participants or items in the size of an effect. Thus, we can test whether participants/items significantly differ in an effect by performing model comparison of models with and without the random slope term.
The random slope variances for conditionLabel.williams
in Model 3B are:
By-participant: 0.0127849
By-item: 0
These are both very small (corresponding to \(\sigma =\) 0.1130703 and 0), compared to the fixed effect coefficient for conditionLabel.williams
—in fact, no variability among items is detected. But let’s check whether there is significant by-participant and by-item variability anyway, as an example.
By participant:
## model comparisons to check whether conditionLabel.williams variability
## by-participant <- update(mod3b, . ~ . - (0+conditionLabel.williams|participant))
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
## Data: givenness
## Models:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + npType.pron + voice.passive +
## order.std + (1 | participant) + (0 + npType.pron | participant) +
## (0 + voice.passive | participant) + (0 + conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron |
## participant) + (1 | item) + (0 + conditionLabel.williams |
## item) + (0 + npType.pron | item) + (0 + conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron |
## item) + conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron
## mod3b: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron + voice.passive +
## mod3b: order.std + (1 + conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron +
## mod3b: voice.passive || participant) + (1 + conditionLabel.williams *
## mod3b: npType.pron || item)
## Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df
## 15 735.9 795.08 -352.95 705.9
## mod3b 16 737.8 800.92 -352.90 705.8 0.0993 1
## Pr(>Chisq)
## mod3b 0.7527
Thus, there is no significant by-participant variability in the Williams effect (\(\chi^2(1)=0.09\), \(p=0.75\))
By item:
## by-item <- update(mod3b, . ~ . - (0+conditionLabel.williams|item))
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
## Data: givenness
## Models:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + npType.pron + voice.passive +
## order.std + (1 | participant) + (0 + conditionLabel.williams |
## participant) + (0 + npType.pron | participant) + (0 + voice.passive |
## participant) + (0 + conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron |
## participant) + (1 | item) + (0 + npType.pron | item) + (0 +
## conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron | item) + conditionLabel.williams:npType.pron
## mod3b: acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron + voice.passive +
## mod3b: order.std + (1 + conditionLabel.williams * npType.pron +
## mod3b: voice.passive || participant) + (1 + conditionLabel.williams *
## mod3b: npType.pron || item)
## Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df
## 15 735.8 794.98 -352.9 705.8
## mod3b 16 737.8 800.92 -352.9 705.8 0 1
## Pr(>Chisq)
## mod3b 1
So there is also no significant by-item variability in the Williams effect (\(\chi^2(1)=0\), \(p=1\))
For the sake of this example, let’s calculate the predicted Williams effect (conditionLabel.williams
slope) for each participant anyway:
## examine distibution of participant clabel.wiliams coefficents:
participantRanefs <- ranef(mod3b)$participant
## fixed effect for conditionLabel
beta <- fixef(mod3b)[['conditionLabel.williams']]
## each participant's offset
offsets <- participantRanefs$conditionLabel.williams
participantEffects <- (beta + offsets)
ggplot(aes(x=participantEffects), data=data.frame(participantEffects=participantEffects)) +
geom_histogram() +
xlim(0,0.4) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=0),lty=2) +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept=beta),color='red') +
xlab("Predicted participant Williams Effect coeffs")
In this plot, the red line is the fixed effect coefficient value—the overall effect, across participants—and the dotted line is at 0. Thus, there is a clear Williams effect (red line far from zero), but minor by-participant variability. Participants differ in the magnitude but not direction of the Williams effect.
7.7 More on random slopes
Random slopes are crucial to using mixed models, but can be confusing to use and interpret.
7.7.1 What does adding a random slope term do?
To see why random slopes are so important, let’s consider an example where (unlike Model 3B) there is significant by-participant variability in an effect: the halfrhyme
example used in Model 1C.
As a reminder, this model predicts rhymeRating
with a fixed effect of relDuration
, and a by-participant random intercept and random slope of relDuration
Let Model 1D be the same model, without the random slope:
## Model 1D: half-rhyme data model of 1 var, with by-partic random intercept only
mod1d <- lmer(rhymeRating ~ relDuration + (1 | participant), data=halfrhyme)
To get a sense of what a random slope does, we compare the two models:
Model 1D: By-subject random intercept (only)
Model 1C: By-subject random intercept, random slope of
(We ignore by-item variability.)
The intercept-only model:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: rhymeRating ~ relDuration + (1 | participant)
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 2580
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.4624 -0.6545 -0.1025 0.6348 3.6438
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 1.222 1.106
## Residual 1.575 1.255
## Number of obs: 756, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.2918 0.2088 33.0815 15.765 < 2e-16 ***
## relDuration 2.6600 0.6703 728.5548 3.968 7.96e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## relDuration 0.219
models rhymeRating
as a linear function of relDuration
, with the same slope for every participant. Thus, every participant’s data is contributing to estimating one number: \(\beta_1\), the slope for relDuration
. (Setting aside estimating the intercept terms: \(\beta_0\) and random intercepts.)
The intercept + slope model:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
## Formula:
## rhymeRating ~ relDuration + ((1 | participant) + (0 + relDuration |
## participant))
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 2578.7
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.4022 -0.6091 -0.1126 0.6138 3.5726
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 1.267 1.126
## participant.1 relDuration 4.482 2.117
## Residual 1.552 1.246
## Number of obs: 756, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 3.3003 0.2125 15.533
## relDuration 2.7249 0.7816 3.486
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## relDuration 0.192
models rhymeRating
as a linear function of relDuration
, with a different slope for every participant. Thus, every participant’s data is contributing to estimating two numbers: \(\beta_1\), and the offset of that participant’s slope from \(\beta_1\). Intuitively, this results in the model being less certain about the overall slope (\(\beta_1\)).
We can see the result by comparing the relDuration
fixed-effect rows for the two models:
Model | Estimate | Std. Error | \(t\) value |
Intercept-only | 2.66 | 0.21 | 3.99 |
Intercept + slope | 2.72 | 0.78 | 3.49 |
Both models show similar estimated slopes (\(\hat{\beta}_1\)) for relDuration
. But the intercept + slope model has a much larger standard error for this effect, resulting in a smaller \(t\) value, and a less significant effect. (Recall that higher \(|t|\) \(\implies\) more significant.)
7.7.2 Discussion: Adding a random slope
It makes sense that the standard error of the relDuration
fixed effect goes up when a random slope is added: the model detects significant variability among participants in the effect of relDuration
, which makes it less sure of the overall effect of relDuration
This is a good thing, from the perspective of not finding spurious effects. In general, participants (and items) will differ in the effect of a given predictor, \(X\). Thus, if a by-participant (or item) random slope for \(X\) is not included, we are underestimating the uncertainty in the fixed effect for \(X\), and can easily falsely conclude there is a significant effect—for example, based on a subset of participants who show large effects. In general, not including a random slope for \(X\) is anti-conservative (for evaluating whether the fixed-effect coefficient of \(X\) is 0)—it increases Type I error.
Similar logic holds for by-item random slopes, and so on: whenever the effect of a predictor \(X\) could vary among levels of a grouping factor \(Z\), it is anti-conservative to not include a by-\(Z\) random slope for \(X\). This issue is discussed at length by Barr et al. (2013).
On the other hand, adding a random slope for \(X\) also increases Type II error—that is, lowers power to detect a non-zero (fixed) effect of \(X\). This is especially true if there is little by-participant variability in the effect of \(X\). This issue is emphasized by Matuschek, Kliegl, Vasishth, Baayen, & Bates (2017) and D. Bates, Kliegl, Vasishth, & Baayen (2015).
These points seem to imply that adding random slopes can be both good (lower Type I error) and bad (higher Type II error). What practical advice can be given on when to include a given random slope term? The more general issue is: how do we decide on a random effect structure? This usually means, what random slope terms (and correlation terms—see below) should we include in our model?
This is a model selection problem (with respect to random effect terms)—and as we saw when discussing model selection for fixed effects in the context of multiple linear regression (Sec. 3.5), there is no “best” answer. What model selection procedure you use depends on the goals of your analysis. There are two broad perspectives:
Perspective 1 (Barr et al. (2013) advice):38 include random slope(s) for any fixed effect coefficient you care about
Ideal: “Maximal” random effect structure, meaning all possible random effect terms (modulo issues with model convergence)
Guards against Type 1 errors
Perspective 2 (D. Bates et al. (2014) advice): only include random slopes that contribute significantly to model likelihood, using a likelihood ratio test
(a.k.a. random effect terms “justified by the data”)
Guards against Type II errors
Type I and Type II error always trade off in model selection. Thus, there is no “correct” answer—it depends on whether you care more about Type I and Type II error. No consensus exists on how to arrive at a random-effect structure, and this is a major issue for users fitting these models in practice, since often the “maximal” random effect structure is too complex for the data, and leads to fitting issues.
Still, a few guidelines can be given:
It is crucial to consider random slope terms for all fixed effects of interest for your research questions—either by including them in the model (Perspective 1), or testing whether they should be added (Perspective 2). Otherwise, you run the risk of seriously inflated \(p\)-values.
If a random slope for an interaction is included, it is crucial to include the corresponding random slopes for all subsets of the interaction—for the same reason that you must include all subset of an interaction as fixed effects. (For example, a by-participant
random slope \(\implies\) by-participantX
random slopes must be included.)It is not as important to consider random slope terms for fixed effects not of interest, such as those included as controls.
It is not as important to consider random slope terms for fixed effects which do not reach significance in an intercepts-only model. Adding these random slopes will often have little effect on estimates of other fixed effects.
Only so many random slope terms can be properly estimated, given the size and structure of your dataset. Thus, it’s important to prioritize random slopes you must consider (#1 and #2).
Extended exercise: LMM with random slopes
See the Appendix, Sec. 7.13.
7.8 Random effect correlations
In examples so far, we have always used “uncorrelated” random effects, written using the ||
notation in lme4
. For example, in Model 1C, the random effect term is (1 + relDuration.std || participant)
Uncorrelated random effects assume that there is no relationship between different random-effect terms for the same grouping factor. In Model 1C, it is assumed that there is no relationship between
a participant’s offset from the overall intercept (random intercept)
a participant’s offset from the overall slope of
(random slope)
If there were a relationship between (1) and (2), it would take the form of a positive or negative correlation—hence the name “uncorrelated random effects”.
- What would it mean, intuitively, if there were a strong positive relationship (“positive correlation”) between (1) and (2)? (“Participants who ____ also have a higher ____.”)
To see whether this assumption is realistic, we can examine the prediction of Model 1C for each subject:
## model predictions by-subject for Model 1C:
newdata <- data.frame(
min(halfrhyme$relDuration), max(halfrhyme$relDuration), by=0.01),
## get the predicted value for each case
newdata$pred <- predict(mod1c, newdata=newdata)
## plot the model's prediction for each participant:
ggplot(aes(x=relDuration, y=pred), data=newdata) +
geom_line(aes(x=relDuration,y=pred, group=participant)) +
xlab("relDuration") +
ylab("Predicted rhymeRating")
A relationship between the height of a line (= random intercept) and its slope (= random slope) doesn’t jump out, but we can check this more carefully by plotting the relationship between each participant’s offsets for the intercept and the relDuration
mod1c.ranefs <- ranef(mod1c)$participant
This plot suggests there may be a weak positive correlation (\(r = 0.28, p = 0.13\)): participants who rate half-rhymes better (higher rhymeRating
) may also have a larger effect of the acoustic cue (relDuration
) on their rating. Alternatively, this may be a spurious correlation, not significantly different from no correlation. We can test whether there’s evidence for a “real” correlation between participants’ slopes and intercepts by including this term in the mixed model.
7.8.2 Dicussion: Adding a correlation
Comparing Model 1C to Model 1E: the fixed-effect coefficients are very similar, while the random effects change to some extent. The model with a correlation term is slightly “better” in terms of likelihood (significant increase), as a result of change in the random effects.
Empirically, this often happens when random-effect correlation terms are added to a model, at least when all predictors have been centered and are orthogonal: adding correlation terms can lead to a significantly better model fit, but has little effect on the fixed-effect estimates, which are usually what we are interested in.
This observation turns out to matter a lot in practice, by the following logic. Including (or at least considering) random slope terms is very important, for reasons described above. However, “maximal random effect structure” (Barr et al., 2013)—meaning all possible random slopes, and all possible correlations between random effect terms—often leads to a model that will not converge (or does so very slowly), because the number of terms to be estimated grows quadratically with the number of fixed-effect predictors included: (\(\frac{k(k+1)}{2}\) random effect terms for \(k\) predictors). For example, “maximal” random effect structure for five predictors gives 16 terms to be estimated: 1 intercept, 5 slopes, and 10 correlations. Usually, you do not have enough data to fit all these parameters—which are mostly correlation terms.39 Researchers following the advice to construct “maximal” models typically use correlated random-effect structure, as this is R’s default (using (1+X+Y+...|participant)
syntax). They often find that in practice these models do not converge, or have unrealistic correlation parameter estimates (near 1 or \(-1\)), and assume that the problem has to do with adding random slopes. In our experience, this is usually not the case: the model is probably too complex to support the many correlations between random-effect terms, which are less important than random slopes. Even if the maximal model does fit (and doesn’t have unrealistic correlation estimates), it may do so extremely slowly, hindering the data analysis process which inevitably involves fitting several models.
To deal with these issues, it is often useful to first try models with uncorrelated random effects—including slopes, but no correlations. You can then add in correlations as needed (e.g. significantly increases model likelihood), or fit a final “full” model with all random slopes if your data supports it. In practice, models with all possible random slopes but without correlation terms usually do converge, and fit fairly quickly. (For example, a model with five predictors would have just 6 random effect terms in the “maximal” model without correlations.)
Note that this is all the personal opinion of one author (Morgan). Although these issues sound esoteric, modeling issues (non-convergence or degenerate random effects: correlation terms near 1 or -1) due to complex random-effects structure is one of the most frequent issues that researchers have with using mixed models in practice for linguistic data.
7.9 Model criticism for linear mixed models
So far, we have neglected performing model criticism when fitting linear mixed models.
However, model criticism is just as important for linear mixed models as for (non-mixed) linear regressions, we just don’t go into it in detail here because many aspects of model criticism for LMMs are similar to the linear regression case.
Checking for outliers (in predictors, response)
Residual plots: model predictions versus residuals, QQ plot, fixed-effect predictors versus residuals.
A new type of model criticism involves random effects: each random-effect term is assumed to be normally distributed, and whether this assumption is (roughly) correct should be checked.
7.9.1 Model 3B: Residual plots
The logic of checking residual plots for an LMM is similar to linear regressions. For example, for normality of residuals: the model assumes that the residuals are normally distributed:
\[ \epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma^2_e) \]
If this is true for an LMM, then the Pearson residuals of the model are normally distributed (calculated in R using residuals(myMixedModel)
). So we can check a QQ plot to see if the residuals are not normally distributed (which would mean the assumption is false):
## QQ plot for Model 3B
The distribution of (Pearson) residuals looks normal, except for some points which should be flagged as potential outliers.
(It turns out that removing these outliers strengthens all “significant” effects—those with \(t > 2\).)
We can also plot residuals versus fitted values (fitted(mod3b)
) or predictor values—similar diagnostics to the same plots for linear regressions.
7.9.2 Model 3B: Random effect distribution
A key assumption of mixed models is that random effects are drawn from a particular distribution. For our purposes, it is always assumed that the random effects are drawn from a normal distribution, with mean 0 and some variance.
We can check this assumption by examining the distribution of either the empirical data (empirical participant means or item means), or the actual random-effect estimates (the BLUPs). Like checking residual plots, checking normality of random effects has benefits besides making sure your model is OK—it also often shows unusual participants or items, who should be investigated further.
To examine empirical participant and item means for acoustics
for the givenness
givennessByPartic <-givenness %>% group_by(participant) %>% summarise(mean=mean(acoustics))
givennessByItem <-givenness %>% group_by(item) %>% summarise(mean=mean(acoustics))
qqnorm(givennessByPartic$mean, main = "participant means")
qqnorm(givennessByItem$mean, main = "item means")
These distributions look basically normal, possibly with a weird participant or two (left plot).
We can also examine Q-Q plots for the by-participant and by-item random intercepts:
givennessByParticRanef <- ranef(mod3b)$participant[['(Intercept)']]
qqnorm(givennessByParticRanef, main = "participant means")
givennessByItemRanef <- ranef(mod3b)$item[['(Intercept)']]
qqnorm(givennessByItemRanef, main = "item means")
Again, there do not seem to be any particularly odd participants or items, though a couple participants may warrant a closer look.
Detour: What would serious non-normality of random effects look like? As an example, let’s add three weird participants to dataset, who have positive mean value of acoustics (opposite of other participants), and examine a Q-Q plot for participant means:
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
# find participant summary stats to generate weird participant
n_weird <- 3
n_obs <- floor(nrow(givenness)/length(unique(givenness$participant))) # avg number of observations
mn_acoustics <- mean(givenness$acoustics)
sd_acoustics <- sd(givenness$acoustics)
# generate weird participants
acoustics_w <- rnorm(n_weird * n_obs, mean = -mn_acoustics, sd = sd_acoustics)
participant_w <- rep(paste0("wp_",, each = n_obs)
# place into data frame
df_w <- data.frame(acoustics = acoustics_w, participant = participant_w)
# merge with givenness data
givenness_w <- rbind(dplyr::select(givenness, acoustics, participant), df_w)
givennessByPartic_w <- givenness_w %>% group_by(participant) %>% summarise(mean=mean(acoustics))
## make partiicpant means plot
qqnorm(givennessByPartic_w$mean, main = "participant means")
There are now three outlier participants, visible at the top right of the plot. If a mixed model is fitted to this data, the estimated by-participant random intercept variance (\(\hat{\sigma}^2_{s,0}\)) will be too high. (Because the model assumes random effects are normally distributed, the only way to account for a few outlier participants or items is to increase the random effect variance.)
7.10 Random slopes for factors
Technical issues, related to R’s implementation of factors, come up if you want to use factors as predictors in models with uncorrelated random effects. This is an important issue in practice if you’re building models with uncorrelated random effects. We advise skipping this section until this issue actually comes up in practice for you.
7.10.1 Model with random-effect correlations
We have so far only used factors with two levels as predictors in mixed-effects models, which we’ve handled by coding the factor as a single numeric variable. We have not considered factors not converted to numeric predictors, including factors with \(>2\) levels. Using such factors in mixed models can be tricky, especially if you want to use uncorrelated random effects.
As an example, we will use the halfrhyme
data. To load the data and code contrasts:
halfrhyme <- mutate(halfrhyme,
conditionLabel =
factor(conditionLabel, levels = c("bad", "voice", "good")))
contrasts(halfrhyme$conditionLabel) <- contr.helmert(3)
Our example models rhyme rating as a function of experimental condition:
Fixed effect:
(single predictor)Three levels: bad, voice, good
Coded using two Helmert contrasts.
Random effects: by-participant intercept and slope for
- What is the interpretation of each contrast?
Suppose we fit the model with “maximal” random effects:
modEx2 <- lmer(rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + conditionLabel | participant), data = halfrhyme)
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + conditionLabel | participant)
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 3826.5
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4.6442 -0.4262 -0.0567 0.5333 3.8688
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
## participant (Intercept) 0.26067 0.5106
## conditionLabel1 0.20112 0.4485 0.91
## conditionLabel2 0.05675 0.2382 -0.73 -0.55
## Residual 1.25335 1.1195
## Number of obs: 1205, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.63504 0.09918 30.04544 36.652 < 2e-16 ***
## conditionLabel1 0.89985 0.09086 29.89488 9.904 5.94e-11 ***
## conditionLabel2 1.42441 0.05166 30.13975 27.573 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL1
## conditnLbl1 0.677
## conditnLbl2 -0.511 -0.335
The fixed-effect and random-effect table rows for conditionLabel1
and conditionLabel2
describe the slopes for the two contrasts of conditionLabel
Fixed effects: “overall” slope for each contrast
Random effects: degree of by-participant variability in the slope for each contrast (under
andStd. Dev
The correlation terms capture how much different random effect terms are correlated, across participants. For example, speakers who give a higher rhymeRating
on average (the random intercept) also tend to show a larger rating difference between bad and voice rhymes (the first contrast).
Although there don’t seem to be any issues with fitting this model—it converges, and no random effect correlations are too high—often fitting maximal models with multi-level factors does lead to such issues, particularly if a non-orthogonal contrast coding scheme is used (such as dummy coding, R’s default).
7.10.2 Models without random-effect correlations
If we instead try to fit a model with uncorrelated random effects, we get a warning from R:
modEx3 <- lmer(rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + conditionLabel||participant), data=halfrhyme)
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model is nearly unidentifiable: large eigenvalue ratio
## - Rescale variables?
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + conditionLabel || participant)
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 3826.5
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4.6442 -0.4262 -0.0567 0.5333 3.8688
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
## participant (Intercept) 8.833e-05 0.009398
## participant.1 conditionLabelbad 1.623e-01 0.402815
## conditionLabelvoice 1.230e+00 1.109149 0.66
## conditionLabelgood 1.320e-01 0.363301 -0.23 0.37
## Residual 1.253e+00 1.119530
## Number of obs: 1205, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.63504 0.09918 30.04544 36.652 < 2e-16 ***
## conditionLabel1 0.89985 0.09086 29.89489 9.904 5.94e-11 ***
## conditionLabel2 1.42441 0.05166 30.13975 27.573 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL1
## conditnLbl1 0.677
## conditnLbl2 -0.511 -0.335
## convergence code: 0
## Model is nearly unidentifiable: large eigenvalue ratio
## - Rescale variables?
which tells us something is wrong, and we should not trust this model. A “nearly unidentifiable” model usually means “you’ve included variables that are not independent”.
In this case, the issue is with the random effects. Rather than the random-effect table showing one row for each of the two conditionLabel
contrasts, it contains one row per level of conditionLabel
. R is incorrectly interpreting the notation (1 + conditionLabel||participant)
as 3 independent levels, rather than 2 contrasts.40
This issue will arise whenever a factor is used in an uncorrelated random effect formula (one that contains ||
, or that uses (0+X|group)
notation). To include factors in a model with uncorrelated random effects, we must first turn them into numeric variables—that is, the contrasts. (This is what R usually does under the hood, but not in this case.) We manually make a numeric variable for each contrast:
halfrhyme$clabel.c1 <- model.matrix(~conditionLabel, halfrhyme)[,2]
halfrhyme$clabel.c2 <- model.matrix(~conditionLabel, halfrhyme)[,3]
then include these variables in the random-effect formula, rather than the actual factor:
modEx4 <- lmer(rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + clabel.c1 + clabel.c2||participant), data=halfrhyme)
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula: rhymeRating ~ conditionLabel + (1 + clabel.c1 + clabel.c2 ||
## participant)
## Data: halfrhyme
## REML criterion at convergence: 3860
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4.2957 -0.5188 -0.0262 0.5393 3.8347
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.30396 0.5513
## participant.1 clabel.c1 0.23903 0.4889
## participant.2 clabel.c2 0.06519 0.2553
## Residual 1.24808 1.1172
## Number of obs: 1205, groups: participant, 31
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 3.63410 0.10596 30.02772 34.297 < 2e-16 ***
## conditionLabel1 0.90151 0.09733 30.01033 9.262 2.63e-10 ***
## conditionLabel2 1.42488 0.05420 30.28367 26.289 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) cndtL1
## conditnLbl1 -0.061
## conditnLbl2 0.043 0.059
This model has no convergence issues, and shows the expected random effect structure: one row for each of the conditionLabel
contrast random slopes, and no correlations between random-effect terms.
Comparing the fixed effects of this “maximal model with uncorrelated random effects” to the actual “maximal model” (model modEx2
above), we see they are very similar—modulo the lack of correlations.41
To include a random slope for any factor (even if just 2 levels) in a model with uncorrelated random effects, you need to code as numeric variable(s).
For a factor with 2 levels, you can just use a centered version (e.g.
), which is essentially sum coding.For factors with more levels (or to use dummy coding for a two-level factor), you manually extract the contrasts to make numeric variables.
7.11 Other readings
Mixed-effects models are widely used in behavioral and social sciences. Many full-length treatments and shorter introductions are available, including:
About half of Gelman & Hill (2007) is focused on mixed models, called “hierarchical” (different name, same models).
Textbooks on statistics for linguists, such as R. Baayen (2008), R. Levy (2012), Johnson (2008) have mixed model sections.
Speelman, Heylen, & Geeraerts (2018) is an edited volume of case studies which apply mixed-effects models to linguistic data.
Bodo Winter’s introductory tutorials on linear mixed models
First two lectures of Martijn Wieling’s “advanced regression for linguists” course.
Troubleshooting/specfic questions:
Ben Bolker’s FAQ for mixed models, largely focused on R.
mailing list. (Search the archives)
7.12 Appendix: Extra examples
7.12.1 Predicting confidence intervals by simulation
To get 95% CIs of our Model 1B:
## a simple recipe for simulating 95% confidence intervals over model predictions
## set up dataframe to predict for (every participant, every value of the predictor)
newdata <- data.frame(expand.grid(conditionLabel=unique(givenness$conditionLabel),
## (simulate 10k times from the model, for newdata)
preds <- simulate(mod1b.1, newdata=newdata,nsim=10000)
## lower and upper 95% CIs
newdata$lower <- apply(preds, 1, function(x){quantile(x,0.025)})
newdata$upper <- apply(preds, 1, function(x){quantile(x,0.975)})
newdata$pred <- apply(preds, 1, function(x){quantile(x,0.50)})
## newdata now contains lower and upper bounds of 95% CI, with 'prediction' = median from simulations
7.12.2 Random intercept and slope model for givenness
We would like to check whether the conditionLabel.williams
effect differs by participant as well:
givenness$participant <- as.factor(givenness$participant)
ggplot(aes(x=conditionLabel, y=acoustics), data=givenness) +
stat_summary("mean_cl_boot", aes(color=participant),size=0.1) +
stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom='line', aes(group=participant,color=participant)) +
facet_wrap(~participant) +
theme(legend.position='none') +
To do so, we fit a model with a by-participant random intercept and a by-participant random slope for conditionLabel.williams
(as explained in Sec. 7.3):
mod1c.not <- lmer(acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 + conditionLabel.williams||participant), data=givenness)
(1 + conditionLabel.williams||participant)
is the term for an (uncorrelated) by-subject random intercept and by-subject random slope.
Model output:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams + (1 + conditionLabel.williams ||
## participant)
## Data: givenness
## REML criterion at convergence: 897.9
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -3.0538 -0.7129 0.0083 0.6540 3.3136
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant (Intercept) 0.08937 0.299
## participant.1 conditionLabel.williams 0.00000 0.000
## Residual 0.55800 0.747
## Number of obs: 382, groups: participant, 27
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -0.71856 0.06916 26.21655 -10.39 8.66e-11
## conditionLabel.williams 0.32626 0.07677 356.75848 4.25 2.73e-05
## (Intercept) ***
## conditionLabel.williams ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr)
## cndtnLbl.wl 0.002
Under Random effects
we find the variance estimator for the by-participant random slope to be effectively 0 (\(6.255\cdot 10^{-16}\)). Thus, the model’s predictions are the same as Model 1B—there is no (detectable) by-subject variability in the effect of conditionLabel.williams
7.13 Appendix: Extended exercise
In this exercise you’ll build a linear mixed-effects model using:
- Data: tapping data
of how vowelduration
(response) depends on the predictors syntax
and speechrate
- Response:
The empirical effect is:
The fixed effects to be included in the model are syntax
, speechrate
, and their interaction.
Part 1
Make normalized predictors (values: \(\approx -0.5, +0.5\)):
(+ = transitive, - = intransitive)speechrate.slow
(+ = slow, - = fast)
For fixed effects
:What are all possible random slope terms?
Hint: both by-participant and by-item random effects are possible, but some random slopes are not possible.
Part 2:
Fit an LME for these fixed effects
With by-item, by-participant random intercepts and all possible slopes
Uncorrelated random effects
Part 3:
Interpret the results of the model: are the fixed-effect coefficients in the expected direction, given the empirical data?
Compare the random slope sizes to the fixed-effect sizes for the same predictors (e.g. compare the fixed effect for
to the the by-participant random slope effect “standard deviation” forspeechrate.slow
). Do the three effects ever switch directions (for some participants, items)?
Solution model:
## Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
## lmerModLmerTest]
## Formula:
## vowelduration ~ syntax.trans * speechrate.slow + (1 + syntax.trans *
## speechrate.slow || item) + (1 + syntax.trans * speechrate.slow ||
## participant)
## Data: tapped
## REML criterion at convergence: -2911.9
## Scaled residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -3.8002 -0.5148 -0.0247 0.5248 5.3484
## Random effects:
## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
## participant syntax.trans:speechrate.slow 0.000e+00 0.000000
## participant.1 speechrate.slow 4.459e-04 0.021115
## participant.2 syntax.trans 4.842e-05 0.006958
## participant.3 (Intercept) 3.966e-04 0.019916
## item syntax.trans:speechrate.slow 0.000e+00 0.000000
## item.1 speechrate.slow 1.245e-04 0.011158
## item.2 syntax.trans 4.895e-05 0.006996
## item.3 (Intercept) 1.428e-03 0.037785
## Residual 7.831e-04 0.027983
## Number of obs: 721, groups: participant, 23; item, 8
## Fixed effects:
## Estimate Std. Error df t value
## (Intercept) 0.101448 0.014029 8.381835 7.232
## syntax.trans -0.028215 0.003546 9.113087 -7.956
## speechrate.slow 0.043487 0.006269 18.830504 6.937
## syntax.trans:speechrate.slow -0.029350 0.004173 631.448408 -7.033
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 7.08e-05 ***
## syntax.trans 2.15e-05 ***
## speechrate.slow 1.37e-06 ***
## syntax.trans:speechrate.slow 5.25e-12 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
## (Intr) syntx. spchr.
## syntax.trns 0.000
## spechrt.slw 0.000 0.002
## syntx.trn:. 0.001 -0.001 0.000
The rest of the solution is omitted.
7.14 Solutions
Q: What does this mean? (That the fixed-effect coefficients are the same in the predictions made by Model 1A and Model 1B?)
A: The predictions of Model 1A (simple linear regression) are (basically) the same as the Model 1B makes for an “average speaker”.
Q: How much variability is there in participants’ intercept values?
A: The estimated by-participant intercept variance is \(\hat{\sigma}_{s,0} = 1.267\).
Q: What is the interpretation of each random intercept in this example? For example, what do \(\alpha_{par,2}\) and \(\alpha_{item,5}\) mean?
A: The random intercepts are the offsets to the intercept for each participant and item. \(\alpha_{par,2}\) is the offset for participant 2 (the difference between their intercept value and \(\beta_0\)), and \(\alpha_{item,5}\) is the offset for item 5.
Is there more variability among participants or items?
This pattern is common in laboratory experiments. Why?
A: There is more variability among participants. This pattern is common in laboratory experiments because items are constructed by the researcher to vary in a particular way, while the participants in an experiment are a truly random sample. This pattern might reverse if we had all linguistics majors whose first language is English read a carefully chosen word list, then examined vowel formants in these words, for example.
Exercise 1:
In Model 2A:
95% of subjects have intercepts between _____ and _____
95% of items have intercepts between _____ and _____
What is the residual error for these three models, fit with the same fixed effects (
acoustics ~ conditionLabel.williams
):Model 1A (simple linear regression) (fit
, thensummary(mod1a)
)Model 1B (by-participant random intercept)
Model 2A (by-participant and by-word random intercept)
Why does the pattern you see make sense?
A: (Not shown: 95% bounds, and the actual residual error for each model.) The pattern is that the more random intercept terms are included, the more the residual error goes down. This is because the error in the original simple regression model has been “parcelled out” to variability among participants and items.
Q: What would it mean, intuitively, if there were a strong positive relationship (“positive correlation”) between (1) and (2)? (“Participants who ____ also have a higher ____.”)
A: Participants with higher values of rhymeRating
(the response) also have a steeper slope of relDuration
(the predictor).
Q: What is the interpretation of each contrast?
A: Contrast 1: bad versus voice. Contrast 2: good versus bad/voice.
Baayen, R., Davidson, D., & Bates, D. (2008). Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items. Journal of Memory and Language, 59(4), 390–412.
Salverda, A. P., Dahan, D., & McQueen, J. M. (2003). The role of prosodic boundaries in the resolution of lexical embedding in speech comprehension. Cognition, 90(1), 51–89.
Barr, D. J., Levy, R., Scheepers, C., & Tily, H. J. (2013). Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: Keep it maximal. Journal of Memory and Language, 68(3), 255–278.
Baayen, R. (2008). Analyzing linguistic data. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B., & Walker, S. (2014). Fitting linear mixed-effects models using lme4. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1406.5823.
Gelman, A., & Hill, J. (2007). Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Snijders, T., & Bosker, R. (2011). Multilevel analysis (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
Matuschek, H., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., Baayen, H., & Bates, D. (2017). Balancing Type I error and power in linear mixed models. Journal of Memory and Language, 94, 305–315.
Bates, D., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., & Baayen, H. (2015). Parsimonious mixed models. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1506.04967.
Levy, R. (2012). Probabilistic methods in the study of language.
Johnson, K. (2008). Quantitative methods in linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Speelman, D., Heylen, K., & Geeraerts, D. (Eds.). (2018). Mixed-effects regression models in linguistics. Springer.
This distinction is discussed, along with an introduction to EDA and motivation for its importance in data analysis, in a lecture that has not yet been turned into a chapter of this book. Until it is, this section just assumes you have read about EDA and CDA somewhere, such as the first sections of Behrens (1997). Tukey’s original manifesto for combining EDA and CDA (Tukey, 1980) is still valuable.↩
See for example: Johnson (2008), Sec. 7.8 of this tutorial (by Jonathan Baron and Yuelin Li), these notes by Brian Dillon, many other tutorials online.↩
Grouping factors are often called random factors in RM-ANOVA analyses.↩
Mixed models have become (by 2017) sufficiently popular that many language scientists, including journal article reviewers, think that an analysis of grouped data that doesn’t use mixed models is somehow “incorrect” or “not standard”. It is important to remember that there is always more than one valid way to analyze the same data. Mixed models are often appropriate for analyzing grouped data, but simpler methods—such as RM-ANOVA or even paired \(t\) tests—may also be suitable in many cases, especially for simple statistical analyses where a mixed model may be overkill.↩
More precisely: to compare two models with different fixed-effect terms, using any likelihood-based method (such as a LR test or AIC), the models must be fitted using maximum likelihood (Faraway, 2016; Zuur, 2009). See here for some discussion.↩
This is the “Residual standard error” in the R summary of the model output (
).↩Not accounting for by-item variability was famously termed the “language-as-fixed-effect fallacy” by Clark (1973).↩
In many other fields where mixed models are used (e.g. education, ecology), crossed random effects only come up in complex designs. This is why
is particularly well-suited for modeling linguistic data—in part as a result of collaboration between its primary architect, the statistician Doug Bates, and the psycholinguist R. Harald Baayen. Many mixed-model software packages assume only one grouping factor, or nested grouping factors.↩The short version of “practical” is: if we want to use a \(t\) test to calculate the significance of fixed effects—as we did for regression coefficients in a non-mixed-effects linear regression—it is unclear what the degrees of freedom should be, because it’s unclear how many independent pieces of information \(n\) observations from the same group level (e.g., from a single participant) give: somewhere between 1 (because they’re all from 1 participant) and \(n-1\) (the answer in linear regression). The short version of “philosophical” is: mixed-effects models can be thought of as Bayesian models, and in Bayesian statistics \(p\)-values are not a meaningful concept.↩
See also Schielzeth & Forstmeier (2009), who had earlier emphasized the importance of random slopes for analyzing ecological data.↩
This is one motivation for Bayesian mixed models: see Vasishth & Nicenboim (2016).↩
This is a bug, but one that follows from the way uncorrelated random effects are treated in
and how R deals with factors in model formulas without intercept terms.↩The random effect variances are slightly larger in the “uncorrelated” model, indicating that the amount of variability in the intercept and slopes is being over-estimated—some of this variability is actually shared between random-effect terms, as captured by the correlation terms.↩