Marginal phonological structure: Prosodic constituency that you cannot ‘hear’ in Québec French.
Goad, H.
17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 17), University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, July.
Prosodic structure affects processing: The case of English past inflection.
Goad, H. & N. Brambatti Guzzo.
17th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon 17), University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, July.
The interaction between lexical tone and intonation in Kinshasa Lingala.
Park, Y.W., F. Torreira & H. Goad.
International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) 2019, Melbourne, Australia, August.
Evidence of gradient weight and phoneme retention.
Lamontagne, J. & H. Goad.
Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm) 27, May.
Evidence for a pitch accent in Saguenay French.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), UC San Diego, October.
Saguenay French: Weight-sensitive pitch accent language.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 4: Sociolectal and dialectal variability in prosody. University of Massachusetts Amherst, October.
Feet are parametric—even in languages with stress.
Garcia, G.D. & H. Goad.
49th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), Cornell University, October.
Prominence assignment and word-level properties in Quebec French.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, University of Regina, May/June.
A phonological solution to a morpho-syntactic problem in Athabaskan.
Goad, H. & L. Travis.
mfm Fringe Meeting: Phonological Solutions to Morphological Problems, Manchester, UK, May.
La proéminence en français laurentien : l’effet de la quantité.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Les français d’ici. Université Concordia, May.
Can you have stress without feet?
Garcia, G.D. & H. Goad.
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 36, UCLA, April.
What motivates high vowel deletion in Québec French: Foot structure or tonal profile?
Guzzo, N.B., H. Goad & G.D. Garcia.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Salt Lake City, January.
Morphological and phonological motivations for prominence shifts in French.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Salt Lake City, January.
Representing a four-way contrast: Nepali, voiced aspirates, and laryngeal realism.
Schwarz, M., M. Sonderegger & H. Goad.
Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) 2017, NYU, New York, September.
Variability in French prominence: Evidence for weight sensitivity.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) 2017, NYU, New York, September.
Le rôle de la phonologie dans la violation du Principe du Miroir : le cas du Navajo et du Chilcotin. Le mot : syntaxe, morphologie et phonologie.
Travis, L. & H. Goad.
85th annual congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), McGill University, May.
Nepali laryngeal contrasts: Voiced aspirates and laryngeal realism.
Schwarz, M., M. Sonderegger & H. Goad.
Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm) 25, May.
Evidence of weight sensitivity in Laurentian French prominence assignment.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Ryerson University, Toronto, May.
Using acoustic cues to interpret ambiguous sentences: Depictive predicates in Brazilian Portuguese.
Guzzo, N. Brambatti & H. Goad.
Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL) 2017, March-April.
The continuation contour in French: Realisation and representation.
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
Second Intonation Workshop, University of Toronto, February.
Overriding default interpretations through prosody: Depictive predicates in Brazilian Portuguese.
Guzzo, N. Brambatti & H. Goad.
Linguistic Society of America 2017 (LSA) Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, January.
Penultimate prominence in Québec French: Internal motivations or English influence?
Lamontagne, J., H. Goad & M. Sonderegger.
American Dialect Society Annual Meeting (ADS), Austin, Texas, January.
Footing is not always about stress: Formalizing variable high vowel deletion in Québec French.
Garcia, G., H. Goad & N. Guzzo
Annual Meeting on Phonology 2016, USC, Los Angeles, California, October.
Prominence shifts in English and Spanish parallel constructions.
Klassen, J., M. Wagner, A. Tremblay & H. Goad
20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Semdial 2016)
Rutgers University, NJ, July.
High vowel deletion in Québec French: Evidence for vestigial iambs.
Guzzo, N., H. Goad & G. Garcia
Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm) 24, May.
What is the appropriate analysis for sC clusters? In search of answers from typology and acquisition.
Goad, H.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, April.
Phonotactic evidence from typology and acquisition for a coda+onset analysis of initial sC clusters.
Goad, H.
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 33, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, March.
In some languages, /s/ is a vowel.
Goad, H. & A. Shimada
Phonology 2013, University of Massachusetts Amherst, November.
/s/ can be a vocoid.
Goad, H. & A. Shimada
44th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 44), University of Connecticut, October.
A cross-linguistic examination of the unusual behaviour of /s/.
Goad, H.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, April.
Blackfoot /s/.
Goad, H. & A. Shimada
Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop (MOT), University of Ottawa, March.
The interaction of stress and tone in Standard Chinese: Experimental findings and theoretical consequences.
Qu, C. & H. Goad
Tone: Theory and Practice, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, September.
The special status of Blackfoot /s/.
Shimada, A. & H. Goad
Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm) 20, May.
The interaction of stress and tone in contour tone languages.
Qu, C. & H. Goad
The 2nd UConn Workshop on Stress and Accent. University of Connecticut, Storrs, December.
Contextual influence on acoustic correlates of focus in English, Québec French and European French.
Vander Klok, J., M. Wagner & H. Goad
Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody (ETAP) 2, McGill University, September.
Prosodic transfer at different levels of structure: The L2 acquisition of Spanish plurals.
Goad, H., L. White & J. Bruhn de Garavito
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 35, November.
The L2 acquisition of Spanish plurals by French speakers: Constraints on syllable structure or on higher prosodic structure?
Goad, H., L. White & J. Bruhn de Garavito
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA) 4, University of Toronto, September.
Prosodic licensing and tone sandhi in contour tone languages.
Qu, C. & H. Goad
GLOW-in-Asia VIII, Center for Linguistic Theory, Beijing Language and Culture University, August.
Stress and tone sandhi in contour tone languages.
Qu, C. & H. Goad
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA), Concordia University, May.
Structural vs. perceptual constraints on sC clusters: Evidence for a coda analysis of s.
Goad, H.
Generative Linguistics in the Old World Colloquium (GLOW) 33, University of Wrocław, April.
The special status of /s/: Appendix or coda?
Goad, H.
Sixth North American Phonology Conference, Concordia University, April.
On the representation of sC clusters.
Goad, H.
Montréal-Ottawa-Toronto (MOT) Phonology Workshop, Carleton University, March.
Interlanguage articles: Bound or free?
Goad, H. & L. White
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 28, University of Southern California, February.
Syntactic ambiguity resolution: Effects of prosodic breaks and prosodic length.
Hwang, H., M. Lieberman, H. Goad & L. White
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 28, University of Southern California, February.
Prosodic development in a Québec French-English bilingual: Cross-language transfer or undifferentiated systems?
McCurdy, K. & H. Goad
International Symposium on Bilingualism 7 (ISB), Utrecht University, July.
Markedness in the acquisition of Québec French prosodic structure.
Goad, H. & A.-E. Prévost
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Carleton University, May.
Is there a foot in L1 French? The competing roles of markedness and ambient input.
Goad, H. & A.-E. Prévost
Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL) 38, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, April.
Prosodic transfer and determiners in Turkish-English interlanguage.
Goad, H. & L. White
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 31, November.
L2 determiners: Is definiteness really a problem? A prosodic alternative.
Goad, H. & L. White
Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA) 8, Calgary/Banff, April.
Prosodic transfer: L1 effects on the production of L2 determiners.
Goad, H. & L. White
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 30, November.
Production of L2 determiners: Semantic or phonological effects?
Goad, H. & L. White
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA), Siena, Italy, September.
The representation of L2 English tense: Evidence from regular and irregular verbs.
Goad, H. & L. White
Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition-North America (GALANA), University of Hawaii at Manoa, December.
Representational ‘deficits’ in L2: Syntactic or phonological?
Goad, H. & L. White
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 29, November.
Assimilation and reduction phenomena as licensing in early grammars.
Goad, H.
Colloquium Series of the Department of Linguistics, Rutgers University, October.
Consonant harmony in early grammars revisited: Domains, licensing and directionality.
Goad, H.
IVèmes Journées d’Études Linguistiques (JEL 2004), Université de Nantes, France, May.
Missing tense features or missing tense morphology: Testing the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis.
Goad, H. & L. White
Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA) 7, Indiana University, April.
(Non)native-like ultimate attainment: The influence of L1 prosodic structure on L2 morphology.
Goad, H. & L. White
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 28, November.
Ultimate attainment of L2 inflection: Effects of L1 prosodic structure.
Goad, H. & L. White
European Conference on Second Language Acquisition (EUROSLA) 13, Edinburgh, September.
Missing surface inflection in SLA: A prosodic account.
Goad, H., L. White & J. Steele
Boston University Conference on Language Development (BU) 27, November.
Assimilation asymmetries in early grammars.
Goad, H.
Colloquium Series of the Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh, April.
Are children’s grammars possible grammars?
Goad, H.
Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University College London, April.
Asymmetries between child and adult grammars: Is maturation needed?
Goad, H.
Colloquium Series of the Department of Linguistics and of the Department of French and Italian, Indiana University, September.
Asymmetries in the phonologies of early and end-state grammars.
Goad, H.
Department of Linguistics & English Language Colloquium Series, University of Durham, England, May.
Front vowels and coronality: Problems with the constriction-based model of feature geometry.
Goad, H.
Phonology Circle, University of Essex, March.
Maturation in an OT grammar?
Goad, H.
Phonology Circle, University of Essex, March.
Syllabification at the right-edge of words.
Goad, H.
Phonology Circle, University of Essex, March.