12 Homework 5
12.1 Preliminaries
Load libraries we’ll need:
You should submit a single .zip
folder (see Piazza for deadline/format).
- If you’re using
, the folder should contain:- The final
file - The compiled
- The final
- If you’re using
, it should contain:- The final
file - The compiled
file - The
folder, needed to render the html file.
- The final
You are welcome to work together , but you must write up your code and (prose) results independently. See the syllabus for the collaboration and Generative AI policy.
Make sure that your plots and prose are polished and legible.
12.1.1 Data
Load data:
### load diatones data
<- read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
## make numeric versions of all categorical predictors, while saving original versions
<- diatones %>% mutate(
diatones syll1_coda_orig = syll1_coda,
syll2_coda_orig = syll2_coda,
syll2_td_orig = syll2_td,
### turns no/yes -> 0/1
syll1_coda = ifelse(syll1_coda=='no', 0, 1),
### turns '0'/'C'/'CC'/'CCC' -> 0/1/2/3
syll2_coda = str_count(syll2_coda_orig, "C"),
syll2_td = ifelse(syll2_td=='no', 0, 1)
### standardize all predictors using arm::rescale
<- diatones %>% mutate(syll1_coda = arm::rescale(syll1_coda_orig),
diatones syll2_td = arm::rescale(syll2_td_orig),
syll2_coda = arm::rescale(syll2_coda),
frequency = arm::rescale(frequency)
## get Roettger et al. German incomplete neutralization data
<- read.csv('', stringsAsFactors=TRUE) %>%
neutralization mutate(voicing_fact = fct_relevel(voicing, 'voiceless')) %>% filter(! %>%
mutate(prosodic_boundary = rescale(prosodic_boundary),
voicing = rescale(voicing_fact),
item_pair = as.factor(item_pair),
## helmert coding for multi-level factors, so all predictors are "centered"
contrasts(neutralization$vowel) <- contr.helmert
contrasts(neutralization$place) <- contr.helmert
## get Grawunder incomplete neutralization data
<- read.delim("", sep='\t', stringsAsFactors = TRUE) %>%
grawunder_df mutate(voicing_fact = fct_relevel(voicing, 'voiceless')) %>%
mutate(voicing = rescale(voicing_fact)) %>%
rename(item_pair=pair, vowel_dur=dur) ### rename some predictors to have the same names as neutralization data
## helmert coding for multi-level factors, so all predictors are "centered"
contrasts(grawunder_df$vowel) <- contr.helmert
contrasts(grawunder_df$place) <- contr.helmert
contrasts(grawunder_df$population) <- contr.helmert
contrasts(grawunder_df$stimtype) <- contr.helmert
## stimtype = German / Tirol (subject-level)
12.2 Question 1 (50%)
Do three of the following exercises from the Hierarchical Bayesian Models chapters (Chapters 5, 6, 7) using objects there. (You may need to copy some code here to create those objects.) You may do 1-2 more of the exercises for extra credit.
Exercise 5.1, parts (a)-(b).
Exercise 5.3, part (a), with a small change: your figures should treat
as factors.
- For example, for the first plot, there should be two curves, each labeled with one level of
, and the legend should show no/yes, not numeric values.
Exercise 6.1, part (b)
Exercise 7.2, parts (a)-(c)
12.3 Question 2 (50%)
The dataframe grawunder_df
contains data from Grawunder (2014), another study of incomplete neutralization in German, with a similar (but not identical) design to the Roettger et al. study which the neutralization
data is from (described in RMLD).1 These predictors have the same meanings as in neutralization
(of primary interest)item_pair
: 28 itemssubject
: 18 subjects
The main difference between the studies is that Grawunder’s subjects are 19 Austrian German speakers. Standard German (whether in German or Austria) has “neutralized” voicing in word-final stops, but the Tirol dialect of Austrian German maintains a voiced/voiceless distinction; all subjects have exposure to this dialect and the standard. All subjects heard the same words, but for some subjects words were produced in the Austrian dialect, and for others words were produced in the Standard. This subject-level variable is indicated by population
: levels = Austrian German, German (9 subjects each)
That is, all subjects are performing the same task—repeating words, whose vowel durations are then measured—but with the prompts spoken in different accents. Since all subjects have exposure to both dialects (in their daily life), subjects in the Austrian and German groups may differ depending on population
, in one of several ways:
- In the effect of
- In vowel duration (across all data)
- In the degree of individual variability in the
effect - In the degree of individual variability in vowel durations (across all data)
Here is an empirical plot, from which you can assess all four:
### mean vowel duration by voicing, per subject, for Austrian and German subjects
%>% ggplot(aes(x=voicing_fact, y=vowel_dur)) +
grawunder_df stat_summary('mean_cl_boot', geom='line', aes(group=subject)) + facet_wrap(~population)
(a). Just from this plot, how do you think Austrian and German groups might differ (from 1-4)?
(b). Fit a first model to the Grawunder data, using the same structure as neutralization_10_2
from Section 6.3.4, with two added terms:
- Fixed effect of
- Fixed effect for
You can use the same prior for these terms as for other \(\beta\) terms in neutralization_m10_2
(For your interpretation of the results, note the processing steps that were done above—all factors have been “centered”, and voicing
is a numeric, centered predictor.)
Call this model grawunder_m1
(c). Make an appropriate marginal effect plot to understand what this model says about the most basic question here—how large is the voicing
effect for subjects in the Austrian and German groups? What is the 95% CredI for the voicing
effect for an average population
=Austrian subject? For an average population
=German subject?
(d). What does the model say about (1)?
(e). Which of (1)-(4) are not captured by this model? Explain why the model cannot capture this/these kind(s) of variability.
12.4 Question 3 (Optional)
This question is worth up to 20% extra credit.
(a). Make a plot of the model’s predicted vowel_dur
, by voicing
, for each speaker, divided up by population
. That is, it should look like the empirical plot above (except the lines come from model predictions). Comparing to the empirical plot, how does the model prediction plot reflect your answer to the previous question?
We consider a second model, which fits separate by-speaker random effects for population
=Austrian and German subjects. That is:
- There are by-speaker intercepts, and `voicing slopes for German speakers, with one set of variances (+ one correlation)
- There are by-speaker intercepts, and `voicing slopes for Austrian speakers, with another set of variances (+ one correlation)
(b). Figure out how to fit this model, which should be called grawunder_m2
. Do so.2
(c). Which terms in the model address (3) and (4)? Explain.
(d). Carry out hypothesis tests (using hypothesis
) assessing (3) and (4) for this model.
I got this data from the OSF page for Nicenboim, Roettger, and Vasishth (2018), a meta-analysis of German incomplete neutralization across many studies.↩︎
Hint: this involves a small change to the
term, which would not be possible in an lme4 model. You’ll need to look beyond the lecture notes.↩︎